NABC® F.R.E.E.™ Partners with Hurst Jaws of Life to Provide Life-Saving Extrication Practice On Late-Model Vehicles
The NABC® First Responder Emergency Extrication™ Program works with Hurst Jaws of Life to help saves lives by providing firefighters and first responders with rare opportunities to practice and hone their skills specifically on late model vehicles with lighter weight, high strength steels, sophisticated electronics and multiple airbag systems..
Advances in technology have made today’s vehicles much safer for passengers but first responders often face challenges preventing further injuries to accident victims or themselves due to the complexities of the new technology. Knowing specifically where and how to efficiently cut and extricate can make the difference in saving precious minutes and lives as well as the safety of the first responders.
The NABC® F.R.E.E.™ program is a collaborative effort by collision repair facility, insurance companies that donate salvage vehicles and Hurst provides expert instructors and equipment to facilitate the event.
The typical NABC® F.R.E.E.™ event consists of one-hour class instruction, followed by three hours of hands-on extricating practice using the latest equipment on late-model vehicles staged to simulate crash scenes. Local community first responders are invited to participate at no cost.
Each event involves salvage cars sourced from insurance companies or salvage yards. Participation at each event is generally limited 40 first responders.
Participation in the NABC® F.R.E.E.™ program is open to any repair facility with a minimum SSO level membership in the National Auto Body Council®. Shops interested in hosting an event simply need to fill out a NABC® F.R.E.E.™ application. A 3-6-month lead time is preferred from initial application to event date to allow time to coordinate all participants.
Once membership is confirmed and event application is received, a Hurst instructor will be assigned by the NABC® F.R.E.E.™ Program Manager. The instructor will contact the repair facility to set the event date. Repair facilities new to the program are asked to attend an orientation conference call and view the online orientation presentation which provides all details needed to host an event.
Want to see what’s new from Hurst Jaws of Life, like new fully submersible tools? We can share a demo — just contact us at
Check out these recent and upcoming NABC® F.R.E.E.™ events with Hurst Jaws of Life:
- Link to tv coverage of event
- Link to article from event
- Event date for upcoming event
- Event date for upcoming event
HURST is the only manufacturer of the Jaws of Life® brand. There is no equal to saving lives.
The company’s commitment to research and development and dedication to quality engineering and manufacturing, has resulted in a line of innovative products known for outstanding safety, durability and performance. HURST Jaws of Life, Inc., is a unit of IDEX Corporation, an applied solutions company.
For more information about HURST Jaws of Life, please visit or contact
Interested in hosting a
NABC® F.R.E.E.™ event?
Please review the FAQ’s and click below to fill out an application.