NABC®, GEICO and Benner’s Auto Body to Provide Two U.S. Marine Veterans in Need with Refurbished Vehicles Through the NABC® Recycled Rides® Program

Vehicle Presentation Set for September 17, 2024 at 5:45 p.m. ET As Part of AASP Golf Fundraiser at Knob Hill Golf Club in Manalapan, New Jersey

PORT CHARLOTTE, FL (September 14, 2024) – On September 17, 2024, two U.S. Marines Veterans in need will each receive a life-changing gift – the presentation of a vehicle that will allow both of them to make it easier to get to/from work, medical appointments, grocery shopping and other errands — thanks to the National Auto Body Council Recycled Rides® program along with vehicle donor GEICO and collision repair partner Benner’s Auto Body of Cranford, New Jersey.

The event will take place at Knob Hill Golf Course in Manalapan, NJ as part of the AASP NJ golf fundraiser. The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers is New Jersey’s largest association of collision and mechanical repairers, providing the technical expertise, management information, and resources necessary to help repairers succeed in today’s competitive automotive industry.


NABC® Recycled Rides® program, along with:

  • GEICO, which donated the vehicles
  • Benner’s Auto Body, whose technicians fully refurbished each vehicle
  • New Jersey Veteran’s Network, the non-profit that nominated both recipients
  • Recipients: U.S. Marines Veterans Andrew Watson Lewis and Joseph Daniel Potter


NABC®, GEICO and Benner’s Auto Body will present a beautifully refurbished 2017 Honda CR-V to Andrew Watson Lewis, and an equally beautifully refurbished 2020 Hyundai Elantra to Joseph Daniel Potter.

  • Andrew Watson Lewis is a single father of one child. He served in the U.S. Marines from 1995 to 2000. Among his awards earned were five certificates of accommodations, as well as the Marines’ Good Conduct Medal.

“Receiving this vehicle will help me attend all medical appointments and also will help with continuing education by providing me transportation,” Lewis said. “I plan to pay it forward and volunteer my time to help other Veterans in need.”

  • Joseph Daniel Potter served in the U.S. Marines from 1982 to 1988, and then in the reserves from 1988 to 1996. His deployments included Okinawa, Japan; South Korea; Norway; Greenland and Denmark. Among his awards earned was the Sea Service Deployment ribbon.

Potters car has over 320,000 miles on it and although he takes good care of it, it is not expected to go much further. With his arthritic condition he needs a reliable vehicle to get around.   


AASP Golf Tournament at Knob Hill Golf Club
1 Shinnecock Dr, Manalapan Township, New Jersey 07726

Phone: (732) 792-7722


Presentation takes place on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 5:45 p.m. ET

Media Opportunities: Media members will have an opportunity to cover the unveiling of the vehicles and presentation to the recipients, as well as interview the charity and representatives from NABC®, the insurance partner and the repair partner.


The National Auto Body Council® is the premier organization of collision industry partners dedicated to strategic networking opportunities that positively change lives in the communities we serve. The collaborative membership of the National Auto Body Council® has gifted more than 3,300 vehicles and provided extrication opportunities for some 5,500 First Responders in communities around the country through NABC® Recycled Rides®, NABC® First Responder Emergency Extrication (F.R.E.E.™) and the NABC® Community Impact program. That effort equates to a 4:1 ROI in dollar value delivered from NABC® membership dollars. The NABC® Changing and Saving Lives Foundation®, a 501c3 organization, is committed to the goal of driving change for veterans, military members, first responders and families in need, while harnessing the power of the collective membership of the collision repair industry to positively impact communities where we live and work. As demand for NABC® programs like NABC® Recycled Rides® and NABC® F.R.E.E.™ grows, so do the needs for resources to manage these important programs. Being able to pursue grants, gifts and donations allows NABC® to expand these programs to serve those in need and help communities where we live and work. For more information, visit